Discover your Thinking Talents
How you naturally approach challenges in a way that gives you energy rather than burning you out.
Understand your Mind Patterns
How you learn and process information and effectively shift to different states of attention.
Explore your Thinking Maps
See the striking ways your Mind Pattern and Thinking Talents help you enhance your own work and relate to others more effectively.
We support you in multiple ways to grow your Collaborative Intelligence to strengthen your relationships and broaden your impact.
About CORE
Lead Collaborative Thinking Partner, Angie McArthur
Angie McArthur and her team at Core have been supporting leaders and their organizations in doing amazing work for well over two decades. The proprietary tools and methodology revealed in her books Collaborative Intelligence and Reconcilable Differences with Dr. Dawna Markova help unlock stunning results for you and your business. Since 1998 she has facilitated and designed global conferences, Executive Champions workshops, leadership and renewal retreats, corporate training programs, and ongoing one-on-one Thinking Partnerships.

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